Prayer Of Blessing At The New Year

May God guard us and keep us in safety and comfort and in health and strength, sending us nothing
but good. May God send down so many blessings that the day is not long enough for them

Traditional greeting: “May your wealth [gold and jade] come to fill a
Our blessing: May your wealth of knowledge of the one true God, fill your
heart and spirit to overflowing
Traditional greeting: “May you realize your
Our blessing: May God’s perfect and beautiful will be done in your
Traditional greeting: “Greet the New Year and encounter
Our blessing:  May you hear Jesus knocking at the door of your heart and
open up so you, dear Jesus our true source of happiness,  can come in and commune.  />Traditional greeting: “May all your wishes be fulfilled.”
blessing:  May you learn to pray in the name and character of Jesus so you might fulfill
God’s promise that God will give us so much more than we even know to ask for.
greeting: “May your happiness be without limit”
Our blessing:  May you
come to know Jesus so that you might be able to experience the kind of joy that is not based on
circumstances, the lasting kind of joy that no one can take away from you.  
greeting: “May you hear [in a letter] that all is well”
Our blessing: May you
read God’s word in the Bible which is God’s love letter to you telling the good news of
Jesus and God’s never ending love for all people.
greeting:  “May a small investment bring ten-thousandfold profits”
blessing: May you become like the seed in the good soil in the parable of the sower that yields
a hundredfold from what God has planted in your heart. 
greeting: “May your happiness and longevity be complete”
blessing: May you be like a tree planted by streams of water which continues to bear fruit in
God’s Kingdom during every season of your life.
Tradtional greeting: “When
wealth is acquired, precious objects follow.”
Our blessing: Seek Jesus and His
Kingdom.  When He is found, you will soon forget all other concerns of life except your
relationship with God, just like a merchant who finds a pearl of great value and sells everything he
owns to buy it.