Marriage in front of God

Lord, I hold this couple, (husband) and (wife) before You and ask for Your presence and mercy in
their lives.
If they do not know You, Lord, reveal Your unfailing love to them.
Teach them
to pray together, to trust in You and walk in obedience to Your Word so that they may have Your
peace and joy in their marriage.
We pray that they will be kind and tender hearted toward each
other, forgiving one another and blessing one another.
We pray that they would speak the truth
in love and listen well to each other.
Draw them into Your Word that they would be cleansed and
receive wisdom for their lives.
Give them revelation of Your great love towards them and
an understanding of how to love each other. Teach him to love his wife like Christ loves the church
and teach her to honor and respect him.
Surround them with Godly counsel.
Separate them
from those who would seduce them into ungodliness.
Give them Godly, loving, Christian friends
and a church family where they can worship You and grow in Your love for one another.
forth laborers to minister to them.
Forgive them for their selfishness, anger, lust, and
Put a stop to any blaming and accusing.
Help them to look to You as their
source of acceptance, healing, justification and provision.
Bring healing to their lives. />Comfort them and mend their broken hearts and deliver them from rejection and sorrow.
mercy on them, Lord.
We stand in the gap for them.
We resist the enemy on their behalf. />We bind the powers of division, divorce, seduction, rejection, judgment, criticism, addiction,
control, self-pity, harshness, unkindness, lying and deception.
We thank you, Lord, that the
blinders are removed from their eyes and they can see the truth and walk in it.
Give them
courage and show them how to resist evil.
We loose Your healing, love, forgiveness, acceptance,
favor, harmony, unity, truth, patience, kindness, joy, and faithfulness and self-control into their
Lord, thank you that all things are possible with You.
Thank you that You watch
over Your Word to perform it.
Thank you for Your great and precious promises and Your mighty
love that covers all.
We look forward to seeing Your hand at work in their
marriage relationship.

In Jesus Name,